Have Your HVAC System Installed Right the First Time

Heating And Cooling Solutions For Your Home

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Part of a comfortable home is having great heating and cooling solutions. Luckily, there are many to choose from. If you would like to know more, keep reading about these four popular HVAC solutions.  Furnace Furnaces use electricity, gas, oil, or propane, and they are incredibly effective. They can quickly heat the entire home to high temperatures. Many furnaces come with additional features like zoned heating, humidifying, dehumidifying, purifying, UV light purifying, and much more.…

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Furnace Age: When And Why To Worry

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If you keep meticulous maintenance records, there’s a good chance you already know the age of your home’s furnace. However, you may have less reliable information if your furnace came with the house or if you aren’t the kind of person to keep documentation around for a decade or longer. While knowing the age of your heating system might not seem important, this bit of trivia is more than just a number.…

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What Does It Really Mean When Your AC Freezes And Why Does It Happen?

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You’ve probably heard of frozen air conditioners before and may have even experienced this condition yourself. Many people believe that air conditioning systems will freeze up when they run for too long, but this is only one potential source of the problem, and it often indicates another underlying issue. Understanding a little more about why this situation occurs can help you avoid some costly repairs. Frozen Air Conditioners Defined When your HVAC contractor tells you that your AC is freezing, they typically mean that your evaporator coil has ice on it.…

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