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Preparing Your Furnace For The Spring And Summer Months

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At the end of the cold seasons, it is important to properly shut down your furnace to ensure it remains in good condition for the next heating season. This process involves taking a few important steps to protect the furnace from damage, prevent pests from nesting in the system, and ensure it is ready to go when cold weather returns. Give The Furnace Enough Time To Cool Before Working On It…

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Consider These 3 Factors When Choosing A New AC System

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Regardless of how well you service your air conditioning system, a time will come when it will lose its efficiency. So, if your system continuously costs more to maintain and repair, you should consider investing in a new unit. That said, it is best to take time and learn about newer models if you have not been in the market for an AC system for many years. You should also assess the features and pick the ideal unit for your home.…

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Repairing Your Malfunctioning Heating System

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A heating system can suffer a range of problems that will be able to negatively impact its performance, and this could leave your home cold during the winter months. Mold Growing In the Heating System During the spring and summer months, you may go for long periods of time without having to use the heating system. During this time, there may be a risk of mold and mildew starting to grow in the system.…

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Air Conditioning System Repair: Thermostat Issues

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If you notice that your central heating and air unit isn’t maintaining the temperature you set, you might have a thermostat issue. After all, your thermostat plays a crucial role in regulating the temperature in your home. If you are experiencing issues with your air conditioning system and suspect that the thermostat may be the cause, here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially repair the issue.…

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3 Common Repairs For Heavily Used Air Conditioning Systems

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If you live somewhere with scorching summers, your air conditioner is likely the most important part of your home’s HVAC system. While many people may only run their air conditioners for two or three months per year, homes in warmer climates may put their systems through much heavier usage. Unfortunately, longer runtimes can also mean more frequent failures. Although these problems are largely unavoidable if you live somewhere with high temperatures, knowing what to expect can still be helpful.…

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What's Involved When Installing A Humidifier For Your Furnace

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Are you interested in adding a humidifier to your home’s furnace, but you’re not sure what is involved? If so, it will definitely help to know what will happen when having your HVAC system upgraded with a whole home humidifier to make the hot air feel more comfortable. Creating The Hole For The Humidifier The first thing is to create a hole in the ductwork for the humidifier. Your HVAC technician will do this by using sheet metal shears to cut into the ductwork in a place on the return side of the ductwork, which is all the air that has already traveled through your home.…

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Ways To Address Condensation On Your HVAC Ductwork

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Are your HVAC ducts sweating? Don’t sweat it.  Duct condensation is common in homes that use ductwork to heat, cool, and ventilate each room. It happens because of the temperature difference between the air inside the ducts and the air outside.  During the cooling season, tiny water droplets may form on the surface of your air ducts because the outside air is warmer than the air inside. In the wintertime, the problem can happen because the air inside the ducts is warmer than the outside air.…

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Looking for a Reliable HVAC Contractor? Reasons to Pick a Local One

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The cooling and heating system plays an integral role in keeping your house comfortable when the climatic conditions change. The heat pump and air conditioner require regular maintenance, which should only be handled by an HVAC contractor. Even when the system becomes faulty, the technician will fix it. So, how do you pick your HVAC services provider? People often wonder if they should pick a franchise over a local company. Both providers offer excellent services, but there are unique benefits one gets when they select a local company.…

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Signs It Is Time To Schedule HVAC Service

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While whole-house HVAC systems are relatively easy to keep up with, they require ongoing maintenance. Schedule a yearly maintenance appointment with your local HVAC contractor to keep your air conditioning unit working its best. However, there are several warning signs that you’ll need to schedule a more urgent service appointment to have your system worked on. If you notice any of the following issues, schedule an appointment to have your HVAC unit serviced: …

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Heating And Cooling Solutions For Your Home

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Part of a comfortable home is having great heating and cooling solutions. Luckily, there are many to choose from. If you would like to know more, keep reading about these four popular HVAC solutions.  Furnace Furnaces use electricity, gas, oil, or propane, and they are incredibly effective. They can quickly heat the entire home to high temperatures. Many furnaces come with additional features like zoned heating, humidifying, dehumidifying, purifying, UV light purifying, and much more.…

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