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Furnace Acting Up? Try This!

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Is your furnace acting up? Does it feel like the hot air is not pumping out like it should? There could be a countless number of explanations for a malfunctioning furnace. You will probably need to have your furnace serviced by an HVAC professional if you have a serious problem. But, there is also a chance the problem can be fixed in a matter of minutes. Best of all, you can often do the repair on your own.…

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What You Need To Know About Changing Refrigerants In Your AC

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You probably don’t put too much thought into the refrigerant in your air conditioner.  However, times are starting to shift and new refrigerants are entering the market. Not only are new refrigerants entering the market, but some old stand bys are becoming obsolete. It’s important to know which you are using and what upgrades will be necessary to make your air conditioner system as efficient as possible. R-22 R-22 is commonly known as Freon.…

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Servicing Your Air Conditioning Unit To Optimize Performance

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Living in the warmer climates almost requires you to have air conditioning in your home but you need to have it serviced and maintained if you want it to work when you need it. If you have a central air conditioning unit in your home, you will need to have a service company come in to check some things, but you can do some of the tasks yourself if you choose to.…

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Your Guide To Buying And Owning Air Conditioning

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To make sure that you are braving the summer heat with no problem, it is important that you reach out to a company that can help you with air conditioner repairs and installation. Having a home AC system that keeps you cool with no problems will keep your property values high and also improve your quality of living. To learn a little bit more about getting a new air conditioner and taking care of it, read on.…

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Effective And Cost Efficient Ways To Cool Your Apartment Using Your Air Conditioner

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The hot summer months can be almost unbearable for many people, especially those suffering from illnesses or health concerns like asthma. In most older apartment buildings, central air conditioning was never installed and some tenants take to using either window AC units or portable ones. There are ways to make your air conditioner more effective while being cost efficient. These are just a few examples of things you can try.…

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Heating & Cooling Costs Out Of Control? Two Tips To Help Bring Them Down

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The ability to control the climate inside of your home is one of life’s great pleasures.  Instead of having to brave it out in the scorching heat or blistering cold, you can set your desired temperature at the mere touch of a button.  However, like most valuable things, heating and cooling your home comes at a cost and you might be starting to think that you just don’t have enough money to pay the price.…

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Keeping On Top Of Air Conditioning System Maintenance

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Having an air conditioning system that is working perfectly is a very nice luxury to have. It seems that when the air conditioning system wants to fail, it does so in the heat of summer. However, there are a few different actions that you can take to ensure that your air conditioning system stays functioning all through the summer months. Here are just a few different ways that you can ensure that your air conditioning system stays functional for as long as possible.…

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Elderly Parent Moving Into Your Home? Consider Multi-Zoning Your HVAC Systems

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If you are welcoming an elderly parent to live with you and your family in your home, you’ve probably prepared a bedroom and, perhaps, a bathroom for them. However, have you considered the heating and air conditioning? Here’s what you need to know. The elderly are unable to regulate their body temperature It is well-known in the medical community that elderly men and women have a difficult time regulating their body temperatures.…

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Is The Annual Inspection For A Furnace Necessary?

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If you have been skipping out on an annual inspection of your furnace, you could be putting your equipment at risk. An annual inspection not only helps to keep your furnace running at its best, but it could potentially lead to the detection of problems before they worsen. Here is what you need to know about the annual inspection and its importance.   Why Is It Necessary? When your furnace is running great, the thought of calling in your HVAC technician might seem strange.…

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6 Ways To Protect A HVAC System During Hurricane Season

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The frantic moments before a hurricane arrives are the wrong time to try to prepare your HVAC system for the coming heavy winds and rain. Unfortunately, many homeowners forget about their systems until the last minute, which results in the need for significant repairs. Before hurricane season arrives, here are some of the steps you can take to prepare your system.   Unplug and remove your units. If you have any window air conditioner units in your home, remove them ahead of a storm.…

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