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Furnace Age: When And Why To Worry

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If you keep meticulous maintenance records, there’s a good chance you already know the age of your home’s furnace. However, you may have less reliable information if your furnace came with the house or if you aren’t the kind of person to keep documentation around for a decade or longer. While knowing the age of your heating system might not seem important, this bit of trivia is more than just a number.…

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What Does It Really Mean When Your AC Freezes And Why Does It Happen?

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You’ve probably heard of frozen air conditioners before and may have even experienced this condition yourself. Many people believe that air conditioning systems will freeze up when they run for too long, but this is only one potential source of the problem, and it often indicates another underlying issue. Understanding a little more about why this situation occurs can help you avoid some costly repairs. Frozen Air Conditioners Defined When your HVAC contractor tells you that your AC is freezing, they typically mean that your evaporator coil has ice on it.…

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4 Reasons Your AC Unit Is Frequently Short-Cycling

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Your AC typically runs in cooling cycles where the refrigerant absorbs heat and dissipates it outdoors as the compressor pumps and circulates it to the condenser. These cycles run moderately at regular intervals to achieve the set temperatures. However, your unit is likely short cycling if the appliance frequently starts up and shuts down prematurely. As a result, not only does your AC consume more energy, but it also experiences wear and tear, reducing its efficiency.…

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5 Heating System Services That Require Professional Assistance

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Most people take their heating system for granted until something goes wrong. At that point, it can be difficult to know who to call for help. While some services may be within the realm of do-it-yourself projects, others are best left to the professionals. Here are five heating system services that require professional assistance. 1. Repairing a cracked heat exchanger A cracked heat exchanger is one of the most serious problems that can occur with a furnace.…

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Basic Fire Equipment To Have On Standby In Your Home

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Fire can strike any home no matter how old the home is, so you should always be prepared to keep your family safe. You can do that by keeping fire equipment in your home and making sure everyone knows how to use it. Here’s a look at useful and affordable equipment to consider getting for your home to guard against a fire. Smoke And Heat Alarms You can buy individual heat or smoke alarms, but it’s convenient to buy an alarm that detects both smoke and heat so the alarm is triggered when a fire breaks out or when something starts smoking.…

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Here Are Ways To Tell That A Flame Sensor Of Your Heating Appliance Is Faulty

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Your heating appliance’s flame sensor is responsible for ensuring that your home remains safe and comfortable. This is because it detects any significant changes with your flame and then shuts down your appliance to prevent your home from the risk of a fire outbreak. So, when it’s not functioning as it should, seek professional help. Here are ways to tell that your flame sensor is problematic. There’s Dirt Buildup on the Appliance’s Flame Sensor…

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Budget Tips For HVAC And Air Conditioning Upgrades This Summer

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As the summer months approach, there are a lot of options that you might want to consider for upgrades. One of the areas that might be on the top of your list is the HVAC system in your home. In addition to upgrading your AC, there are other options that you might want to consider, which can include things like adding a dehumidifier to the system and other energy-efficient improvements. The following AC upgrade guide will help you choose the right improvements and stay on budget.…

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Three Possible Causes Of Air Conditioner Failure During Summer

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When you start using your air conditioner more regularly, the added strain means there’s a chance of parts failure that could cause your air conditioner to stop working when you need it most. Having your air conditioner inspected and understanding what to look out for can minimize air conditioner downtime and help keep your system working smoothly. Failing or Damaged Fuses Generally, fuses are one of the longer-lasting components of your air conditioning system.…

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What Can You Expect From Plumbing Services During A Boiler Tune-Up?

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Like all major appliances in your house, the boiler needs regular maintenance, perhaps more so considering it is in use daily. The whole point behind a boiler tune-up is to make its combustion operations more efficient. Tune-ups are primarily for fuel-fired boilers: gas, oil, and wood. Burning fuel usually brings soot and grime, which clogs up the system. But the tune-up also checks that the boiler is safe regarding pressure levels and carbon monoxide release.…

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4 Reasons Why You Need To Hire AC Recovery Service

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It can be very frustrating when your air conditioner just stops working. There are many reasons that could have caused the unit to stop working. Some of these reasons include low refrigerant levels, broken motors or other parts, electrical issues, and even human errors. If you experience any of these issues, it is best to call an AC recovery service company who will come in and repair or replace the necessary parts.…

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